The weather has been beautiful. Clear blue skies, 80 degrees and low humidity. I think November is one of our best months here in Key West. It is also fall migration time so hundreds and hundreds of birds are flying over the keys on their way south. Each morning we see vultures, hawks, falcons, etc riding the thermals. It is quite an amazing site. As we walk past the Key West cemetary, we spot an American Kestral perched on the top of a palm tree, looking for breakfast. Click here for a checklist of common keys birds.

key west sunset

Another Amazing Key West Sunset

Our wedding last night was at Smather’s Beach. Our couple, Chris and Patrick, were joined by two friends. The light was perfect. We were all treated to a lovely sunset. Afterwards, they headed off in their electric car for some fun at Finnegan’s Wake and then Duval Street. The sunset photo below was, of course, taken by Gary.